Saturday, November 18, 2006

Tianamen Square - The Tank Man

I guess most if not all
of us have heard of Tiananmen Square protest back in 1989 which led to a bloody civil bloodshed. Tanks and army personnel were deployed and gunned down thousands of protesters fighting for better civil rights, economic reforms, freedom of speech and against the ever corruptable ruling government.

However, we are not here to talk about that since most of us knew the background of the tragedy. The topic here as stated above is about the Tank Man. I doubt many would have known about the "Tank Man". Me in particular knew nothing about him until I watched a documentary of the symbol which the Tank Man carries.

Purpotedly happened a day after the bloodshed [5th June 1989] where the army tanks are to make their way back, a young man apparently carrying shopping plastic bags stood in front of the tank and blocked the path of the tank. Apparently disgusted with the massacare of unarmed civillians, the young man defied the military threat and hurled abuses at the army commanding the tank. It has been heard that his piece of mind have been carried out through words of anger
"Why are you here? My city is in chaos because of you"; "Go back, turn around, and stop killing my people"; and "Go away."
The somehow "powerful" army tank couldnt do anything but just withstood the young man verbal attacks. These happened until a few people eventually hurled the young man away before he would suffered the same fate of his buried comrades.

What significance does this young man bring ? In the West, many lauded the young man as a SYMBOL to the Chinese democracy movement. A feeble
young man, braving himself against tirades of juggernaut tanks eventually becomes the symbol of an individual's power to halt government and force a change in direction

But what becomes of the young man's fate ? The identity of the Tank Man remains a mystery though there are numerous reports claiming him as Wang Weilin(
王维林), a 19 year old and was executed then. However the last official statement has it said that the Tank Man was not being executed in an interview between Barbara Walters and then ex-President Jiang Zhe Min in 1990.

For those who are interested in the documentary here is the link for the torrent : Tiananmen Square: The Tank Man

For those who wants to watch the 26 seconds video clip in youtube: You Tube - Tank Man

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