Monday, July 24, 2006


Begining from 24th July 2006,

I Kwan Thean Keong in the eyes of the Malaysian Law is now a legally married man.

The Marriage registration took place at Thean Hou temple on the 22nd of July 2006. Giving the government office not working on weekends, I believe my new marital status will effectively take effect on the 24th July.
The pictures of the registration day are available here.

After 6 wonderful years of courtship, I finally decided to settle down with my now wife Louisa Moak Soo Fung.

Knowing this might heavily dissapoin my legions of fans out there, I cannot say much but hope that you all wish me all the best and a blissful marriage.

However having said the above. I hereby declare that nothing will be changed in my life.

" Horse Still Run "
" Karaoke Still Sing "
" Manchester United Still Supporting"
" Drinks Still drink " [ apologies to some of my Muslim frens]
" Outing and gathering still attending "
" Maybe no more womanizing "

For those who crazed on TOTO's -> the number is 5353.

Will need to learn not to tick on BUJANG or SINGLE options for "marital status" on any forms in the future.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The rule of resignation

I just realized that the first rule after you resigned is -> DO NOT ENQUIRE ABOUT THE WELL BEINGS OF YOUR EX-COMPANY.

This horiffic truth was brought up to me by an ex-colleague of mine lately.
Well I di not know about you all, I have been getting updates about my ex-company since I left them last January. I have been getting constant updates about the place which is spent for the last four years from my ex-colleagues.

However seems like my practice of asking on the well beings of my ex-colleagues has created quite some discomfort amongst a few of them. To some, even to the extent that I might have some ill thoughts behind wanting to know their updates.

This stir eventually came up to my ears and I am quite uncomfortable and disturbed of being labelled with such mindset.

Well I think I will need to tone down on asking about their updates...
Anyways .. the last of the ST gals is leaving...